Friday, October 06, 2006

Boski's really weak NHL Preview

I really only care about the Kings and it is going to be a long year. I have to understand that Lombardi had to bring this house of cards down. Sadly there was too much dry rot. This team maybe as bad as the late 90's teams. You know that wonderful time after Gretz left. Right now I have seen too many 5th Place Pacific Division predictions to think that there is hope. To compound this is that people think the Ducks have a chance to make to the Stanley Cup. If they were to win, I would know how the Cubs feel. And I don't think I can handle that. So it starts tonight. Hopefully the good guys will make the Ducks night a living hell.

Go Kings Go!


Silliyak said...
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Silliyak said...

The real burning question is whether the Raiders can have a perfect 0-16 season? I think they are down for it. Perhaps new low scoring records in the process. Longest scoreless streak? Most consecutive quarters without a TD? All these are possibilites and the only real reason to watch them the rest of the year. That, and trying to figure out if they are REALLY that incompetant, stoned or deliberately screwing up.

Boski93 said...

I can only dream of that day.